J Lenni Dorner

J self-published "Preparing to Write Settings That Feel Like Characters," in 2015. Joined Operation Awesome in June 2016 as the organizer of the Debut Author Spotlight. J competed in Write Club 2014 &2016. Blogging from A to Z Challenge #AtoZChallenge co-host as of 2017.

The Creative Writing Institute held a writing contest that resulted in J Lenni Dorner being published in "WRONG!: A themed anthology 2014" (Southern Star Publications, December 2014). Signum University’s Mythgard Institute held a creative writing contest in the autumn of 2015 called “Almost an Inkling.” J Lenni Dorner was the Popular Vote Winner in week 6. Published story appears in The Soul of Wit.

Winner of the Write Edit Publish Now flash fiction "Youthful Frights versus Adult Fears" Halloween challenge 2015. The Operation Awesome Flash Fiction Contest 12 win in April 2016 went to J Lenni Dorner. When not reading or writing, J enjoys video games, funny cats, finding drawings of dragons on Pinterest, and watching movies.

Currently reading

The Art of War for Writers
James Scott Bell
Arthur Gordon Pym: A Trilogy
Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Romyn Dake, Jules Verne, Various
David Sheppard
How To Write A Novel The Easy Way Using The Pulp Fiction Method To Write Better Novels
Jim Driver
Word Magic for Writers
Cindy Rogers
Crystal Collier
The War of the Flowers
Tad Williams